Little Equestrian’s Sticking With It? Let’s Shop!

As I said in my second blog “The First Lesson…” don’t worry if the horse & rider look like a mismatch- Giant Boomer was one of Mandy’s favorites & a solid citizen. Note the dropped stirrups, even the “littles” need this invaluable exercise!
Don’t forget I am a bit of a cheapskate so calm down & stop the funds transfer at your bank. Like I said in my “The First Lesson-What You’ll Need” my only non negotiables in the very beginning are a pair of heeled boots & a well fitted ASTM/SEI approved helmet, whether you borrow one from the school or have your own.  Once you know that your child is in this sport for the long (or not so much) haul, you’ll want to go for the real deal & invest in some paddock boots & his/her own professionally fitted helmet.
If you are comfortable with the purchase you can add a pair of half chaps as well. Half chaps will help with grip (breeches or jeans can be a bit slippery) &Â will keep an english rider’s calf from getting pinched in the leathers. (Remember those thingys from “The Lingo Decoded”?)
While we are getting fancy, you can look at breeches (if you are at an english riding stable) &Â gloves. My daughter Mandy hated gloves until she rode a horse that pulled on her hands. They have since entered her own personal non negotiable list. Breeches & helmets can go from reasonably inexpensive to ridiculous so this is where I reiterate that a local trustworthy tack shop will be your best resource. As I have said in the past they should know what folks at your barn typically wear & what your child will be most comfortable in. As a general rule, you cannot go wrong with some sort of black helmet, beige breeches &Â black gloves.
Breeches (left) vs Jodhpurs (right): Mandy schools most days in breeches. They go inside or end just above her paddock boots under the half chaps. Jodhpurs are appropriate for every day riding or horse shows & go on the outside of the boot with an elastic strap that attaches on either side of the base of the jod to keep them from riding up. (Remember stirrup pants?) Garter straps worn just below the knee are added for horse shows. Don’t worry, your trainer will guide you when & if your child shows!
*A note on tack shops: I worked at one for a while & have a huge pet peeve that I want to speak out on. (Me on a rant? Shocking, I know…) One day a gal came into the shop & asked to be fitted for boots, breeches & a helmet. I spent the next 45 minutes taking care of her (Employee Of The Decade coming riiiiiight up!) & then asked if I could take her things to the front for her. She relied no, that they would come back. She never did. I am positive that she went right to her computer to order online.
Can we save some money going online? Usually yes but it can’t replace all the positive things & wealth of information these nice folks can offer so I highly encourage you to support your local tack shops & spend your money there. Don’t forget, they will help you save money! If your budget is squeaky (like mine) ask if they have a used section or any sales coming up.
That really is all you need for the time being although if you are comfortable spending more then by all means have fun. 🙂 As my daughter rides more often I have purchased more breeches to save on wear & tear & we invested in nicer long sleeved spf shirts for the summer. Happy riding!