

That’s me. I am a 44 year old mom of 2 wild, crazy, terrifying, absolutely inspiring young women and wife to the best guy on the planet. I rode horses all through my childhood and was a barn manager for a short while out of college before I became an assistant to 2 time Olympic veteran Mark Watring for 13 years, riding, teaching lessons and hauling all over hill and dale.
After about a 13 year hiatus during which I got married & had 2 daughters, I returned to the barn as a professional groom, travelling to horse shows to brush bathe & yes, muck stalls. When I am not at the barn you can find me hiking the hills, walking the beach, poolside cheering on my husband’s water polo team, or at a soccer or volleyball game with my oldest daughter. My youngest (you see her in lots of my pics) rides horses.It was watching her learning to ride when I heard our world through a beginning parent’s ears and the idea for this blog was born.
So here, my dear reader, are your Cliff’s Notes to the horse world. Feel free to ask questions, add ideas and join the community!
xo ~Tiff